Recordit install
Recordit install

Not like that time I saw Gwar at the House of Blues and just kept getting so many crazy pictures that my phone never left my hands.

recordit install

I was fully present at that show instead of acting obsessed with my phone and I really enjoyed it. I drank beers, chatted with strangers and danced with my friend. I snapped a few and then put my phone away to look at later between sets. If most concertgoers have experienced a slight annoyance with the cellphone use of the people next to them, then why do we continue to do it? Is it out of desire to be the next great music journalist? Are we trying to obtain a souvenir more telling than a ticket stub or a t-shirt? Do we want to show our Facebook friends how good of a spot we fought through the crowd for? Or are we just being drunk and silly?Ī friend of mine recently described the action of posting to Instagram as “the humble brag.” I’m certainly guilty as charged, so the last concert I went to I told myself I was allowed to post only one photo. They’re obnoxious, just watch the show!” While 21 percent said, “They don’t bother me,” and only 19 percent said, “Yes, I want to text my friends and take photos.” A poll posted on the site asks whether cell phones should be allowed at concerts, and 61 percent of responders said, “No. Even though NPR’s Bob Boilen wrote on the All Songs Considered blog that he wanted the ability to record, snap photos, text and tweet at a concert, the readers feel differently. There has been no large demand for the peoples right to record a concert. When SPIN Magazine tweeted a photo of the no-phone-photos signage outside a Yeah Yeah Yeahs show, what followed was a string of support from fans and other musicians.

recordit install recordit install

You might expect some outraged fans after these artists made this in some cases not-so-polite request, but that’s not what happened. On his last tour, Prince took this a step further by refusing to allow phones in the venue at all. Ward, Savages and even The Black Crowes (who are apparently still a band), have asked their audiences to stop taking cell phone pictures during performances. That’s probably why Jack White, Prince, She & Him, Björk, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, M. I’m sure going to a concert and seeing people holding up their phones everywhere you look, particularly in front of you is annoying to all of us, including the performer. Spoiler alert: nobody follows you on social media to see videos of the concert you attended, because if they cared they probably went to the show themselves. Those of us who happen to be a little shorter in height have a hard enough time trying to see the stage without having our views obstructed by a thousand tiny screens recording the whole concert. Then there’s the issue of respect for others, which is something we could all stand to consider a little more.

recordit install

And hey, there’s always a press photographer with a better camera and better access than I have, and their photos always find their way onto the Web. I’ve often felt remorse over the amount of time I’ve spent trying to capture photo and video of concerts I’ve attended because it is always more work than it’s worth. The quality is poor and it never seems to do the performance any justice. But how often do you actually re-watch those videos? I rarely have. We’ve all paid stupid amounts of money to watch performers we adore and wanted a recording to remember the show later. Should cellphones be allowed at concerts? Are we really present at an event if we watch it through a screen? If we’re preoccupied with documenting a performance, does it take anything away from our experience? This scene portrays what concertgoers everywhere now struggle with, whether they are journalists or not. She does this to bring his attention back to the music and the experience of the concert.

Recordit install movie#

In the movie “Almost Famous,” writer William Miller finds himself scribbling down notes at a Stillwater and Black Sabbath concert until Penny Lane takes his pencil away and shakes her head.

Recordit install